This past weekend I conducted my last BYOB2011 Workshop in my national tour. I held the last one in Philadelphia, my hometown. The focus of the tour was on three things; How to Become Your Own Boss, How to Develop a Killer Marketing Plan and How to build a Social Media Brand. For the last […]
Are You on the Path to Reinventing Your Small Business?
Small biz owners are reinventing their businesses all the time, especially in this economy. Old ways of doing business just aren’t working anymore. I’d love to be able to tell you that there are set of linear phases that every small business owner goes through while you’re reinventing your business and marketing models… …but if […]
How to Build a One-Person Franchise Business
The topic of equity isn’t exactly what I’d call, “top of mind,” with most of the prospective franchise owners that I work with as an advisor. Most of their energy is focused on things like potential locations for the franchises that they’re considering, or other minor details; like how much they’re going to make as […]
12 Things To Do Before 2012
Today, kicks off the last three work weeks of the year. In addition to landing those key contracts and commitments and getting those holiday cards in the mail, it’s time to get your house in order in your small business. You want to be organized and ready to do business heading to the new year. […]
How to Be a Small Business Success Q&A interview with Jay Goltz
Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with Jay Goltz @Jaysmallbiz Jay has started five “old school” businesses over the last 33 years, and wrote “The Street Smart Entrepreneur”. He […]
SmallBizLady 2011 Year in Review
Wow, it has been an amazing year. The SmallBizLady Team has worked hard providing information to end small business failure. I feel so blessed to have had an opportunity to travel the country and talk directly with small business owners about how to start and stay in business. There are so many big things to […]
2011 Best of SmallBizLady Blogs
Every week I publish articles on this blog to help small business owners start and grow their entrepreneurial ventures. My mission is simple: to end small business failure. There are times when I write things based on questions I am frequently asked and then there are other times when I wake up in the middle of […]
Branding Your Small Business
Branding is about getting your customers to see your company as an important key provider in addressing their needs and gives you a real competitive advantage. Once you have done thorough market research and checked out the competition, it is time to start developing your brand identity. Your brand is the name, design, or distinctive […]
SmallBizLady Q&A How to Build a Powerful Online Brand
How to become a powerful social media brand is a major factor in small business success these days. Beyond having a website, you need to make sure that you are out there demonstrating your expertise at every opportunity. There are those who believe that if they can’t find you or your business online, you […]
How to Be Successful in Business #SmallBizChat QA
Every week as SmallBizLady, I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show #SmallBizChat. The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with retail and fashion pioneer Liz Lange @lizlange. In 1997, out of a one-room office, she created Liz Lange Maternity, changing forever the […]
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